Visceral Disgorge - Ingesting Putridity (2011)

Posted by Deion-Slam Thursday, June 9, 2011 0 comments

It's been a fortnight since we've had a post chock-full of savage butchery, has it not? Visceral Disgorge hail from "violence-ridden bowels of Baltimore" and have just released my favorite brutal death metal record of 2011 so far. I can't imagine that you could take a look at that band name/album cover and need me to tell you what Ingesting Putridity sounds like, but I will say that it's a near-perfect balance of unostentatious technicality, outright brutality, and ass-clobberin' slammage. Seriously, everything sounds so perfectly genre-appropriate that it's almost like slipping on an old pair of Devourment loafers and hacking up some corpses in the ol' tool shed... just like back when we were kids.

Sure, the vocals could be mixed in a little louder and the insipid "thematic elements" are contrived beyond belief, but hey, we're not putting a man on the moon here. Just the opposite, in fact... we're burying him in the backyard.

1. Force Fed Shredded Genitalia
2. Sedated And Amputated
3. Strangled And Sodomized
4. Ball-Gagged And Gutted
5. Spastic Anal Lacerations
6. Colostomy Bag Asphyxiation
7. Necrocoprophagia
8. Maggot Infested
9. Skullfucking Neonatal Necrosis

Invest in Putridity

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