Altar of Plagues - White Tomb

Posted by Deion-Slam Saturday, May 9, 2009 0 comments

Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient

Metal Archives Rating: 98%

1. Earth: i) As A Womb ii) As A Furnace
2. Through The Collapse: i) Watchers Restrained ii) Gentian Truth

Note: I broke it up into four parts on the download.

Mediafire (Part 1)
Mediafire (Part 2)
Altar of Plagues at Myspace


A very recent release, Altar of Plagues is quickly rising in popularity, violently turning heads with the astounding effort that is White Tomb. I was blown away the first time I listened to this vivid and refreshing album.

I was amazed at the style this band plays. You can't pigeon-hole it into one specific genre, as it ranges from furious black metal to atmospheric ambient to avant-garde all the way to rock. The band is constantly changing up what they do, obviously pouring their hearts and souls into this work of art. White Tomb starts off with a quiet, soothing ambient intro, then collapses into a hypnotizing onslaught of emotional straight-up black metal.

I listen to this, and it invokes deeper thoughts and feelings within me. It's one of those releases that makes the listener think, reflecting upon his own existence. The perfect mix of drudging doomy ambient combined with an unrelenting wall of noise, taking turns holding this album's reins makes for a very interesting and attention-grabbing and thought-provoking piece.

Masterful, to say the least. Whatever "music" is, these guys are doing it right.


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