Marduk - Iron Dawn (2011) [REVIEW]

Posted by Deion-Slam Saturday, July 2, 2011 0 comments

''The music is more than promising, with lightning fast riffing, furious blast beats and abrasive vocals.''

Marduk has taken a break from their normal anti-Christian themes and is heading more into the area of brutal combat. Depending on how you look at it, this either a teaser or something to tide black metal fans over until their next full-length is ready to be released. The music is more than promising, with lightning fast riffing, furious blast beats and abrasive vocals.

Opening up with blasting sirens and gunfire on “Warschau II: Headhunter Halfmoon”, Mortuus comes in with his trademark screams that make him sound absolutely inhuman followed by complex drumming and unrelenting guitar riffs. Even with the changes of speed that slows down to a more trudging rhythm in between the ferocity of Mortuus’s vocals alongside the shredding guitar and drums; “Wacht am Rhein: Drumbeats of Death” still becomes repetitious and is carried on for too long. “Prochorovka: : Blood and Sunflowers” closes out the EP with some warped music from the 40’s that gives way to a churning rhythm with Mortuus’s blood-soaked vocals.

If you’re new to Marduk, there are several other albums by them that you need to pick before this EP. But if you are a long time fan that needs their fix until their next release comes out, then “Iron Dawn” is definitely worth checking out!

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