Peste Noire is a french black metal band that would dare to challenge not only the definition of black metal, but french black metal at that. Sharing a country with bands such as the all-mighty Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord might make it a bit hard to stand out, but this band has a markedly different sound. These guys are formed from the ashes of Amesoeurs and Alcest, but that can't help to describe thier music. This album La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénérescence is one of the best review full-length albums, but thier work waxes and wanes with different styles, lyrics, themes, sounds, and even prodution. How do you describe a band so varied?
La Sanie Des Siècles - Panégyrique De La Dégénérescence
I got tons more of this, if others want it I'll be sure to post it after my Vreid collection
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