Gris - Il Était une Forêt

Posted by Deion-Slam Saturday, April 25, 2009 0 comments

Genre: Depressive/Atmospheric Black Metal

Metal Archives Rating: 96%

1. Il Était une Forêt...
2. Le Gala des Gens Heureux
3. Cicatrice
4. Veux-tu Danser?
5. Profonde Misanthropie
6. La Dryade

Download at Mediafire
Gris at Myspace


This is some quality black metal. Think Wolves in the Throne Room, except much grittier, more atmospheric, more emotional, more musically impressive, better vocals, and just generally more awesome. This is incredible.

Even if you're not into the Depressive BM genre, it's still worth your time to pick this up. The guitar tone and production is perfect for this release, not too scratchy, but just enough to such you into the music. The songs average about 10 minutes, so prepare yourself for REAL songwriting. It's obvious that these guys either spent a lot of time carefully crafting their music, or are just geniuses. Regardless, they make damn fine music.

As for the vocals, they suit the music amazingly well. Not quite as shrieky as Silencer, but very primal-sounding; think Walknut or Nyktalgia.

Just when you think each song can't get any sadder or more depressing, out of the shadows bursts a beautifully melodic riffs, sending echoes out across the forest you're currently imagining. They do the whole "bring you down into hopelessness, then at the last minute wrench you from the depths into a euphoric bliss. Brilliant.


Very highly recommended if you like Black Metal. Period.

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