Kick Off Friday With A New UNEARTH Track

Posted by Deion-Slam Wednesday, May 25, 2011 0 comments

As I mentioned when interviewing guitarist Buz McGrath, everybody who I've talked to that has heard Unearth's new record had nothing but nice things to say about the album. Of course, all those people were from Metal Blade, the band's label, so they are sort of supposed to say that. But I sensed they weren't just trying to pitch me on something. And now, after hearing "Eyes of Black", I can see this is Unearth at their finest. With Adam D at the production helm once again, the band definitely captures a sound reminiscent of The Oncoming Storm and yet still delivering something new and original.

The track appears on the band's upcoming release, Darkness in the Light, which hits stores July 5th. A pre-order page has been set up with one of the packages featuring a swanky Unearth beer-bong.

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