
Posted by Deion-Slam Tuesday, April 19, 2011 0 comments

Melancholy just seems to be a natural catalyst for black metal. Within Dronenreich's newest album, Flammentriebe,you will find crushing black metal that tears at your heartstrings. Combined with folk and classical influences makes this a monster of an album that will hold your attention and rip it to shreds throughout its entirety. I could compare this to such bands as Shining (the dsbm, not the wierd jazz band) and Lifelover, but that would leave out so many other ear catching parts of this album. Its better to go into this with open ears and 47 minutes worth of time to devote :P

I just have this newest album, but after hearing it i needs moar :3


Didn't see any lifelover up here, and I gots the new album. Anyone interested?

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