Genre: Arabian Black Metal
1. A'hd Al Jahiliyah
2. Ebadt Al Bashar
3. Entesarat Al Ashawes
4. Fe Al Diajee Td'hudh Nafs Rakhisa
5. Fe Zafrat Al Mout
6. Naqoos Alkhatar
7. Ya'jooj Wa Ma'jool
8. Jabaroot Al Shar
9. Seher Aswad
10. Sadam, Ramz Al Btula
Al-Namrood at Myspace
Here it is, Al-Namrood's long-awaited full-length. Ever since hearing that little taste of an EP, people have been pining for something new, something bigger and Al-Namrood sure as hell delivered. 59 minutes long, there is no skimping on material, and it's full of catchy oriental melodies that bring you back to the days of Aladdin. A more raw and grittier/stripped down sound is present on this album that anybody can enjoy!
Thanks to Elad for the upload!
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