Posted by Deion-Slam
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
This cd Back to Basics is the best cd I've heard in years!! It is totally retro 80's almost hard rock as oppossed to Heavy Metal, and that is precissly what makes this cd so amazing. With all the other garbage out there with it's non melodic fast noize this is like a breath of fresh air or a ray of sunshine on a grey day. The openning song Fuel for the Fire is a great kick in the face pounder, very straight forward powerful arrangement. The second song Keep it Up is a light hearted song about the wonders of Viagra, jokingly with a tongue and cheek sort of vibe with lots of riffing guitars. The third song is quite interesting in it's arrangement of parts and haunting melody and justly called Song of Pain. The forth song is all about watching how and where you spend your money, very rock and roll and titled You get what you Pay For. The fifth song The Chainsaw quite ressembles Rapid Fire by Judas Priest although only in certain ways but it comes accross even heavier than Priest and the subject matter is really in line with enviromental concerns and I find it a great message. The sixth song is rock and roll in the Ted Nugent vein, called Can't Catch Me, a truely cool feel and texture to this cd. The seventh song Go Away is one of my favourites, the sound of the bass guitar puts holes in my chest! and best of all shakes the heck out of the house. The eighth song Bottom Feeder is a fantastic groove, it reminds me of Fire by Hendrix but once again way heavier, double bass drum attack and ripping lead guitar. Cruel World the nineth song is the closest to a ballad but still has an incredable guitar solo and very powerful under rythem. The tenth song Fast Driver is a great song for driving your car, but watch out don't get lead foot this song moves fast and furious and ends a truely monumental cd. I urge the middle age metal heads to part with a few bucks and check this cd out it rages!!!!!!!!!!-- By Kid Madness "KM"
1.Fuel for Life
2.Keep It Up
3.Song of Pain
4.You Get What You Pay For
5.The Chainsaw
6.Can't Catch Me
7.Go Away
8.Bottom Feeder
9.Cruel World
10.Fast Driver
..year - 2004
..label - Massacre Records - Amazon
..home page -
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