The original title for the record was Temptation Revelation, but this was changed to Hounds of Zaroff which was a Steve Wacholz suggestion. As late as May 1989, the band was having doubts surrounding the title. At the time, the eventual title track of the album had not been written. The title, "Gutter Ballet" was in fact the title of a play Paul O'Neill had written ten years earlier that would later make-up the majority of the band's next work, "Streets". In fact, "Gutter Ballet" was written with just Jon, Criss and Paul in the studio. Jon's drumming skill was competent enough to perform on the track and Jon also provided the bass guitar duties for the track.
Track Listing
1. Of Rage and War
2. Gutter Ballet
3. Temptation Revelation
4. When the Crowds are Gone
5. Silk and Steel
6. She's in Love
7. Hounds
8. The Unholy
9. Mentally Yours
10. Summer's Rain
11. Thorazine Shuffle
-- Year: 1989
-- Label: Atlantic Records
-- Country: USA
-- Official Homepage: http://www.savatage.com/
-- Genre: Heavy Metal
[pass - heavymetalbreed]
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